Every successful and well known business organization take part in social welfare activities in the society and the this purposes the directors of the company decide to establish a welfare trust on name and style of their founder or dearest who have done more than his live for the their organization or heirs so why it is remember for their heirs to live his name for ever and do some good or nice on the name of his patron in chief for ever. This Welfare Trust will work for the Socio Economical development of the common man and the same purposes allocated a proper fund out of business resources.
This organization has established under the rules, regulations & law of the country and is called as registered organization and will be fully involved in different social activities. A proper program will be set to achieve preset targets. The organization is involved in the different social and development activities like these:
This organization is registered and have legalize format and registered with registrar society act and with social welfare department Khyber Pukhtoon khawa (KPK)vand plan to extend its activities throughout Pakistan. This organization takes part in the recently flood affected areas and work at large in the affected areas. Located: House# 2, Floor# 2, St# 1, Near Usmania Shadi Hall,University Road, Peshawar Pakistan. Phone: 0092-91-5701584.